The most important thing in your life is your health…without it everything else takes a back seat. Would you like to improve your health and the quality of your life with your own personal and private wellness program?
Millions of people go to the Internet for health information. A recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that 68% of people found health info online. But where do you go to be sure you're getting good info? Visit this site: .
"The Captain’s Calorie Counting Course"
The best and safest fat burning program in the world (Medically Approved).
Never Say Diet…Diets Don’t Work! If any of those fad diets worked, why are there so many new and improved diet books coming on the market all the time? So, please take all those diet books that you’ve stashed around the house and throw them away. They promise secrets or pills or some other junk to get your money. They just give you a guilt trip every time you look at them anyway. Get rid of them. People on "crash diets" usually end up gaining back more than they lost. Last count was at least a 95.7 failure rate.
Here is the GUARANTEED way to maintain your ideal weight. It’s free and it’s simple. It works but only if you do. Honest, it’s easy and it’s just a small positive and healthful modification of your life style.
Never Say Lose Weight...You're not a "LOSER"! You're going to use the potential energy that your body has stored. I know, it's psychological, but it's a more positive approach to achieving your goal.
Let’s get started. First thing is to take a good look at yourself in the mirror before your next shower. Like what you see?…probably not because the statistics say that the majority of us are carrying too much potential energy in our bodies. Let’s face it we’re FAT. Cellulite is just a nice word for fat. Sorry. Every ounce of fat got there only one way…through your mouth.
I know we all want to look better but I’m more concerned about your health than your appearance although both are important. Fat's bad for your health and your looks.
Quick quiz…If you ate 10,000 calories of a low fat food every day and you only burned 2500 calories a day would you gain weight? Of course you would. We all know that. Compare this by picturing a Navy Fighter Airplane doing air-to-air refueling. Suppose it was taking on more fuel than the jet engine was burning. If it weren’t for the automatic shut off valves the Fighter Airplane would explode. Our bodies are the same except we have no automatic shut off valves and we won’t explode but we can keep storing the excess fuel in the form of fat. The body is very good at that.
As a young Naval Officer aboard the Aircraft Carrier, USS Enterprise, I spent 4 days as the escort for the late comedian Danny Kaye. It was a wonderful experience for me and he thoroughly enjoyed seeing the crew doing their assignments with pride and professionalism. He was in exceptionally good shape for being 60+ years old. I asked him how he stayed so slim and trim. He answered that he only ate half of whatever he was served. He practiced calorie control and he stayed active in his profession of dancing, singing and joking.
Have a goal. Choose the optimum weight for you. Burn up a pound of stored energy each week and you’ll be 52 pounds lighter this time next year. Make a chart with your current weight in the upper left corner. Make the bottom-line your time line in increments of weeks from left to right. Put your target weight at the end of the time line. Now, draw a line between your current weight and your desired weight. Keep a weekly track. Weigh yourself at the same time on the same day each week.
Start counting the calories you take in and the calories you burn. Go to this site to see how many calories are in most foods.
Or, buy one of those little pocket-sized calorie-counting books. After a while you’ll have a good feel for the number of calories you’re putting into your body. And, here's where you'll find how many calories you're burning in your favorite exercise.
Metabolism…schmetabolism. I don’t care what the metabolic rate is for your body. If you take in more than you burn you’ll gain weight. And yes your metabolism slows down as you gracefully mature.
Positive things to do:
An Oncologist recommended 40 grams of Soy as a daily supplement. Urologists recommend other supplements as well as Soy. They suggest these daily doses to fortify your system.
-1000 milligrams of Vitamin A
-1000 milligrams of Vitamin D
-50 milligrams of Zinc
-320 milligrams of Saw Palmetto. (which includes pumpkin seed oil. That’s good.)
-100 milligrams of African Pygeum. (tough to find)
-Eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
-Quit smoking or don’t ever start. See my article below on “How to Quit”.
-Try the green teas with high levels of antioxidants.
-Ask your Doctor about Proscar and Alpha Blockers.
-Exercise daily.
-Try meditation and deep relaxation to fight stress.
Doctors recommend adding the items below to your diet.
-Cooked tomatoes, processed tomato products like ketchup. Pink grape fruit and watermelon are good sources of Lycopene, a substance that hopefully protects against many cancers and cardiovascular disease.
To recap, take good care with a proper diet, by avoiding the stuff that’ll do bad things to your prostate and other vital bodily parts but most importantly…No Smoking, follow the “Positive Things To Do list”. Get regular exercise. See your Doctor. Early detection is critical. Heed his/her advice. Nuff said. Good luck and God bless.
Drink plenty of water. One glass every time the clock strikes an even numbered hour and, one full glass before starting a meal. Trust me on this one. It’s good for your weight and your health.
Start or enhance your exercise program. Walking is the best. All you need are comfy shoes and a little discipline. Ask a pal to walk with you. Make it fun.
Start your day with a good breakfast of cereal topped with 2 tablespoons of bran, some fruit and non-fat milk.
Eat a balanced menu with the recommended food groups. Eat lean proteins, carbohydrates, plus plenty of vegetables and fruits, which are excellent for your mid-morning and afternoon snacks. Yes, that will make it 5 meals a day. Fill up with fiber and high bulk foods and hunger goes away. Extra calcium in your menu suppresses calcitriol, a hormone that signals fat cells to make more fat and burn less of it. Do yourself a favor and add non-fat milk and yogurt to your daily snack list.
Slow down your eating. Savor rather than shovel.
Drink decaffeinated diet drinks. There are 12 teaspoons of sugar in each can of regular soda. Picture spooning them into the can. Ugh.
Eat low calorie and low fat foods. Don't skip meals or snacks.
Take your vitamins. Read my article below about Preventing Prostate Problems.
At buffets, take one plate and put on it only the foods that are good for you. Don’t graze. You’ll lose track of what you’ve eaten and will usually overeat.
Stuff to avoid:
Foods with a high calorie and high fat content like chicken skin, Fast Food Burgers, cheeses, creamy dishes, fried foods, mayonnaise, pizzas, and munchies like French Fries, and potato chips and most all processed foods.
Desserts and Salads:
Most desserts are high in sugars, calories and fat. Salads are good. High calorie and high fat salad dressings are bad. Try the flavored vinegars instead. Hide the saltshaker. Use pepper to enhance the taste of food.
(400 calories per drink) OK, you’re allowed but in moderation please.
If you’re eating every bit of the food they serve you at a restaurant, you’re eating too much. Stay comfortable and take the “Doggie Bag” home. Enjoy the meal all over again tomorrow.
Let’s look at the numbers… There are approximately 3500 calories in each pound of stored body fat (potential energy).
On average (who’s average?) ladies multiply your current weight by 13. That will give you the number of calories it takes to maintain that body weight. If you weigh 154 pounds, multiplied by 13 gives you approximately 2000 calories a day that’ll keep you about right where you are now…heavier than you want to be.
For men multiply your weight by 15. Say you’re 200 pounds, times 15 equals 3000 calories a day that’ll keep you squeezed into those polyester pants.
I’m sure you’ll agree that if you burn more than you eat, or eat less than you burn you’ll use up your stored fat. I’ll exaggerate for an example. If you ate nothing at all you’ll starve to death. But you’ll lose weight, as the body uses all its stored energy before you keel over. I know, I know. You also need water to live. I don’t want you to quit eating so that’s out of the question. You see, it's not what you's how much you eat.
Here’s the secret. Eat 250 fewer calories every day and burn an extra 250 calories every day. That’s 500 calories a day times 7 days equals 3500 calories a week, which is one pound closer to your ideal weight. In one year you’d be carrying 52 pounds less than you do today.
Let’s recap… You’ll get to your desired weight by:
1. Taking in fewer calories than you burn.
2. Burning more calories than you take in.
I like a combination of both. Eat right and exercise. Nuff said.
Good luck, good discipline, good looks and the big one…good health. Count your calories! And, by so doing you'll probably prevent a whole bunch of health problems, especially Type II Diabetes.
For more information on exercise visit the President's Council on Physical Fitness at
Here's our usual disclaimer. Consult with your health care professional before starting any dietary modifications or exercise program. There, our attorney's very happy I said that.
Prevent Prostate Problems
On October 27, 2008 the National Cancer Institute reported there is No prostate benefit from vitamin E or selenium.
The Medicos know how to detect problems with the prostate gland. They do PSA blood tests, digital rectal exams, biopsies, etc. And, they certainly know the procedures to surgically remove it, radiate it, implant radioactive pellets, chemotherapy, etc, et al. It's wonderful what they can do.
Here's a fairly new form of treatment that's non-invasive and has some remarkable results. Physicians with prostate cancer are choosing the proton treatment for themselves and their patients. Here's just one site.
Here's another program for you to look at. It's a cryogenic procedure. They say it stops prostate cancer cold. Visit this site for more info.
But, first let’s try to Prevent Prostate Problems.
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer after skin cancer. It’s also the second leading cause of cancer deaths after lung cancer.
First, the big disclaimer…this stuff is for information only. It’s a study I did to try to help prevent prostate problems. It’s from medical researchers who admit they don’t have all the answers. It does not substitute for medical advice. Even the Pros don’t know what causes cancer or what can prevent it. However smoking and lung cancer kinda go together “hand in glove” I’d say.
DO NOT use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider. We don’t endorse any of the treatments, medications, or products. You must consult with your own Physician with any questions or concerns you have regarding your condition and to explore further the health management options that should be considered.
If you want to check out the info about the prostate and how to prevent problems, you’re cordially invited to go to any of the Search Engines and type in “Prostate”. On one such Search Engine I found 167 sites. That doesn’t count all the links that you’ll find on each and every site.
If you decide to begin a serious search…go for it. Keep at it and we may never see you again. You’ll be glued to the computer forever and will probably get lost in Cyberspace. :-)
Send me any good info that you find. I’m interested in preventing prostate problems and sharing it with men; and women who care about the men in their lives.
The American Dream is a “shot in the butt”, a “cure in a pill” or a “prostate vaccination” so that we men would never have to worry about it.
OK, so we don’t have it yet. So here’s what you and I can do to keep our prostates healthy.
For almost all of us it’s a lifestyle change involving exercise, weight control and a nutritional diet. It’s simple but “it ain’t easy”. Here are a few words from a study done at a well-known Cancer Center relating Fats & Cancer. (The Urology Chairman of a Navy Medical Center gave highlights of the study to me)
The Research Doctors injected prostate cancer cells in the bellies of rats with altered immune systems making them unable to fight cancer. Without dietary changes the cancer cells would normally grow to the size of a golf ball. They fed these rats diets of 10% fat, 30% fat, 60% fat and 90% fat. In six months time...the 10% fat-fed rats had a cancer on their belly the size of an
M&M. The 30% fat-fed rats had a cancer on their belly the size of a
gumball. The 60% fat-fed rats had a cancer on their belly the size of a
tennis ball. The 90% fat-fed rats had a cancer on their belly the size of a
soft ball.
The average American diet contains between 40% and 60% fat. Looks like cutting fat intake
may slow down cancer growth. OK, I know we’re not rats in a lab. And, why give up our Burgers and Fries? How’s this for an interesting statistic? American men have a prostate cancer rate that’s
80 times higher than Asian men. It’s believed the reason is American men have a
high fat diet compared to the Asian men’s low fat, high fiber and high soy
diet. By the way, Asian men that migrate to the USA develop similar rates of prostate cancer within 2 generations. In European countries, the prostate cancer rates are higher where there’s a higher fat content in the diets than in the lower fat consuming countries. Do you believe, as I do, that diet is a major factor?
Here are the results of one study of men with advanced prostate cancer. Half of the patients were put on a low fat, high fiber diet. They lived a mean of 177 months while the non-diet controlled group lived a mean of 91 months. The difference of 86 months meant that controlling the diet gave those men another 7+ years of life.
Decreasing fat in the diet seems also to decrease colon cancer risks. And, high fat diets lead to excess weight, which increases cardiac risks.
Here are the things and stuff to avoid:
1. Fatty foods, specifically animal fats
2. Alcohol. Or, go easy on the booze…moderation, in all things. However, some studies say that drinking 4 glasses of red wine a week can cut the prostate cancer risk in half. Talk to your Doctor about this.
3. High Test Coffee. Caffeine has NO taste so drink decaf coffee and decaf soft drinks.
4. Spicy, salty and acidic foods.
5. Antihistamines plus cold and allergy medications. Talk to your Doctor about this.
6. Fluids after dinner. Stay hydrated but don’t drink anything before going to bed.
Here are some “Positive Things to do”:
-Eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
-Quit smoking or don’t ever start. See my article below on “How to Quit”.
-Try the green teas with high levels of antioxidants.
-Ask your Doctor about Proscar and Alpha Blockers.
-Exercise daily.
-Try meditation and deep relaxation to fight stress.
Doctors recommend adding the items below to your diet.
-Cooked tomatoes, processed tomato products, pink grape fruit and watermelon are good sources of Lycopene, a substance that hopefully protects against many cancers and cardiovascular disease.
To recap, take good care with a proper diet, by avoiding the stuff that’ll do bad things to your prostate and other vital bodily parts but most importantly…No Smoking, follow the “Positive Things To Do list”. Get regular exercise. See your Doctor. Early detection is critical. Heed his/her advice. Nuff said. Good luck and God bless.
Here's how to save thousands of dollars. Now this is very serious because I care about you and your family. To calculate how much money you're wasting, (You know all the health reasons to quit) click here or copy and paste to go to the site.
Remember when your Mom quoted Benjamin Franklin by saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
cure"? Surely we all do.
As an Airline Captain I had to get a First Class Physical Exam every six months. That's probably more frequent than most people need but the message is loud and clear…early detection and aggressive treatment.
First and foremost, don't start smoking and if you do, stop now. It's so terribly addictive that most people find it difficult to quit. When I say smoking, I mean tobacco in the form of cigarettes, cigars and smokeless (chew tobacco).
I've lost friends to lung cancer, throat cancer and all sorts of other cancers. It upsets me to lose friends. They're valuable assets in my life. The worst part is to see them suffer before they die. Family and friends suffer right along with them.
The Navy had a poster that I'll always remember. It showed a picture of a very attractive lady with an overlay of the dirty damage that had been done to her lungs superimposed on part of her face. The caption read "If smoking did this same damage to the outside of your face as it does to the inside of your body …nobody would smoke". And, I've seen sailors who used chewing tobacco that had the cancerous parts of their jaw and face surgically removed. Not a pretty sight. They thought that it would always happen to the other guy. I played golf with a good friend that had one of his lungs removed. He kept fighting for breath but it’s a tough way to quit smoking.
Sad to say he died in April of 2009. It was painful for him and it hurt all of his family and friends to see him wasting away while dragging his oxygen bottle everywhere he went.
If you want to quit smoking, here's how:
Get the biggest pile of cigarette butts that you can collect and put them on a large platter. Then cut out every cigarette ad that you can find, magazines are usually the best. Find a place in your home where you can set the platter full of butts. Tape all those ads on the walls of your smoking spot. This is now the place where you'll smoke your cigarettes while looking at those ads. Light up a cigarette, take a puff, exhale and give yourself a pinch anywhere on your body. Don't cause a bruise but pinch just hard enough to irritate and annoy yourself. Your spouse or a good, close friend might assist with the pinching. As you smoke and look at the ads, think about their message and talk back to those ads. You'll soon realize how you've been lied to, hoodwinked and manipulated by the people who have sacrificed your health and your life for the money they make by getting you hooked on tobacco.
I have a friend that was a heavy smoker for 40 years. He followed this little regimen and quit smoking in 3 days. He's been free of the dreaded weed for over 20 years. For your health's sake, give it a try. Good luck and God bless.
Just think of all the money you'll save by not buying cigarettes. Don't forget the cost of replacing clothes with burn holes, the cost of dry cleaning and the most expensive part…medical bills to combat the physical damage to your body. You don't want to end up helpless in bed with family or friends having to take care of you by bathing you, helping you to the toilet, feeding and dressing you. Ask yourself this question..."If smoking makes me unable to take care of myself, who will take care of me"?
Good luck and God Bless. Need more help/info? Check out this site recommended by Ms Elizabeth Miller:
And, here’s another site to help you quit the addictive weed.
For Ladies
There's been so much published concerning breast cancer. Early detection and treatment are the best forms of guarding your health. A rarer form of cancer is called Paget's disease. It's a rash that forms on the areola or the nipple. Be aware and see your physician immediately. Don't take chances. I'm sure you know that heart disease is the number one killer of women. Eat right and exercise. No Smoking. See your physician.
Again, good luck and God bless.

Len Kaine US Navy-retired
Founder and President, Golden Rule Society