1. DON'T HAVE A PURPOSE IN LIFE - just go through life aimlessly and hope for the best.
The Truth: Your happiness does not come from selfish satisfactions
and the collection of "things and stuff"...but through your dedication
to a worthy purpose. So what's a worthy purpose? It's a continuing process
of growth.
Here it is. Say it out loud to yourself, morning, noon and night...
"I'm becoming the successful person that I'm meant to be".
OK, "How do you do that?" you ask. Here's the Plan:
Life is for "doing, learning, enjoying, giving and loving".
Now you have your purpose, and a plan to achieve it.
It's never too late to start. If you're still alive you can do it.
Your happiness in life is motivated by your purpose.
Be thankful to for:
...A purpose in life.
...Someone to love.
...Work to be done.
...The hope for a better tomorrow.
2. DON'T SET ANY GOALS - or, be the guy/gal who sets very low goals, then fails to achieve them.
The Truth: Go for the gusto my friend. You can, if you believe you can.
Duty-, Honor-, Country-, Family...They're always good personal goals.
Always select the best possibility, no matter what the price. At each crossroad in life, always make the bolder choice. "Go Bold". Put your goals in writing.
Be specific. Don't be shackled by the past.
Remember that a goal plus a positive attitude equals success. And a goal is anything you can have, do or be. Make it believable and attainable.
Set a deadline. Make it big enough to matter but small enough to win.
Have the courage to do the great things for which you were born.
Life's an adventure, with good times and bad times.
You'll learn the most about yourself and your life during the tough times...such as striving for your goals.
Have you ever felt like giving up? Surrender only to your God. Let him guide and control your life. Practice positive persistence.
Be patient. Be optimistic. Be prepared.
Fix your sights on greatness. Strive for excellence, not perfection.
There's no security here on earth...only opportunities.
President Teddy Roosevelt once said..."Far better to dare mighty things
to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure than to rank
with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they
live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat".
Failing to plan is like planning to fail.
So, plan your work, and work your plan...with quality.
3. MAKE NO COMMITMENT - just kinda be involved in your business and you home life.
The Truth: You must commit yourself with a passion and an obsession
to your purpose, your family, your business and your goals. Commit yourself
to life. Commit to living each moment fully, productively and joyfully.
Commit to health, wealth and happiness as a here and now reality. Committing
to do gives you the ability to do. You don't have to do anything. But,
what you commit to do...yes, you can do it. Remember what Shakespeare said..."Things
won are done.
Joy's soul lies in the doing".
4. DON'T PUT FAMILY OR CUSTOMERS FIRST - put yourself first. Always ask, "What's in it for me"? Be greedy. Get it all.
The Truth: Did you know the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee get
their water from the same source? Galilee makes beauty of it because it
has an outlet. It gets to give. The Dead Sea is a horror. It has no outlet.
It gets to keep. So you see, to give (of yourself in a noble cause) is
to live. In other words...giving is living. Always do the right thing for
your family and your customers. And then give them a bit more. They don't
care how much you know. They want to know how much you care.
We make a living by what we earn. We make a life by what we do for
others. You'll be remembered for what you gave, not for what you had.
Keep it simple and be there when people need you.
Don't make promises you can't keep. And, keep the promises you make.
Say "thank you"...a lot.
The most acceptable service you can do is doing good for others.
Keep the spokes of your "wheel of life" in balance...religion, family, business, play and rest.
5. DON'T HAVE A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE - be a pessimist. Look at the negative side of everything. Tell yourself
you're a nobody. Feel sorry for yourself. Believe your own lies and be dishonest with yourself. Worry yourself sick.
The Truth: Your attitude is your life. You create your own reality.
You can't control the world only how you react to it. The most powerful
force is what you say to yourself and what you believe about yourself.
Your perception is your reality. In life, your attitude determines your
altitude. Keep your faith along with a positive mental attitude. Do it
and you're a winner. Your greatest freedom is to choose your attitude in
any and every situation. So, choose your own way of doing and reacting.
Make it a positive attitude. Avoid negative people.
Marcus Aurelius in (151 AD) said "If you are distressed by anything
external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but by your estimate
of it and this you have the power to revoke at any moment". Those are good
words that will last forever.
Positive thoughts yield positive results. Loving, caring and sharing
will bring you health and happiness, along with prosperity, abundance and
Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. (Christian, Matthew 7:12)
nothing extra. The world owes you a living.
And don't even consider a constructive hobby. Be the "big couch potato".
The Truth: Do the best you can and then some. Give it all you've
got and then some. Give the service you promised and then some.
What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others lasts
The rewards you get in life depend on the quantity and quality of the
service you do for others. You're a creative being. Find a better way to
do your job. Your energy is unlimited. Think energy. Act energetic. Give
of your vitality and energy. Like love, the more you give, the more you
have to give.
Ask yourself these three questions...
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Where am I going?
Listen closely for the answers. They're yours and they're all good.
Have a hobby that you love. Helping others is a great one. Teaching
is another.
7. PROCRASTINATE. WASTE YOUR TIME. DO IT LATER - watch all the trashy TV you can. Read all the trashy magazines and newspapers.
Discuss it in depth with all your co-workers, etc., as if it's really important.
The Truth: Learn daily. Your knowledge, skills and education
can't be taken away. What's the difference between a person that can't
read, and one that won't read? Not much. Be a self-starter. Be vigorous.
Be prompt. You can only win when you begin. Go for it. People that never
take chances never get ahead.
Read Dear Abby whose column is now ably written by her daughter Jeanne
Phillips. Abby's twin sister, Ann Landers passed away in June 2002.
They gave good advice and knew what they were talking about. And, when they were
wrong, they admitted it. I like that. We're human. We all make mistakes.
(Maybe I liked them because we have identical twin daughters Laura and
Be like a farmer. Procrastinating and cramming doesn't work on a farm.
You have to prepare, plow, plant, water and care before you can harvest.
Decide your day. Use things and love people...not vice-versa. All you have is right now, this very moment in this day that's given to you. The
good old days are here and now.
Some good affirmations:
1. I'll do it.
2. I'll do it now.
3. I'll do it right.
4. I'll do it right now.
Make it a better world for having lived. And, when you wake up...get
up. When you get up...get going. Discouragement promotes inaction and inaction
guarantees failure...a life of not living your dreams. Replace worry with...Action,
Action, Action. If you're not growing, you're dying.
I dare you to be what you want to be...do what you want to do...go
where you want to go. Have the courage to do what's right and what's best.
Go on your way in peace, doing and holding on to what's good and decent.
Confucius said, "The superior person thinks always of virtue. The common
person thinks only of comfort".
Hurt no others in a way you would find hurtful to you. (Buddhism)
8. COMPLAIN and CRITICIZE - rudeness pays. It's the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. Your family, friends
and co-workers love to hear it. The world loves a grouch. Tell everyone
your aches and pains, your trials and tribulations. Be the "bad apple"
that spoils the barrel, or the "party pooper" that spoils the fun.
The Truth: Love the thing you do or do the thing you love. Do
you know why you should never criticize, condemn, complain or explain?
Nobody really cares. Nobody wants to listen to a grouch or to be around
them. Concentrate on the things that really matter. Have the courage to
face all your problems. Offer beneficial suggestions to make things better.
What you radiate is reflected in the responses of others. Kind words
will bring you kind words. Speak only with a good purpose. Express your
feelings but control your emotions and your life. Stop complaining and
criticizing. And, quit "hanging out" with people that do. They'll drag
you down.
9. DON'T WORRY ABOUT RELIGION. WHO NEEDS IT? - do your own thing. You're big and strong. You can take it or leave it.
You don't need to go to church. Never pray, except when you're in deep trouble.
The Truth: Church is not a haven for saints. It's a refuge for
sinners. If you're looking for a hypocrite in church, check the mirror.
You found one.
With your God as your guide, go forward in life. Strive, dare, achieve,
do better, take charge, take control. Love the fact that you're divinely
guided and directed, guarded and protected. Respect yourself. You are made
in God's image. Whatever your religion...following its teachings will bring
you a life of peace and love and happiness. It's always sad to see people
religiously bankrupt when the beautiful gift of a happy and everlasting
life is there for the taking. Ask God to come into your life. It's that
simple. You'll be forever grateful and happy that you did. Go ahead and
try it. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Love of God is
love of yourself. Being one with God is a noble goal. Allow the creative
force of God to flood your being. And, go to church.
10. DON'T TRUST ANYBODY - don't be loyal to your family, your business, your seniors or your juniors.
Everybody's out to get you. Get them before they get you.
The Truth: Trust and believe...but verify. There's enough for
everybody. Be loyal to all those that depend on you. If you work for someone,
they deserve your loyalty and your trust. Give it to them. If you can't
or won't give them your loyalty, then change jobs. Keep secrets. Look for
the best in people. Believing in them brings out the best in them. Be trusted
to use your power for other people's good.
The maxim of loving-kindness: Do not unto others what you would not have them do unto you. (Confucius)
11. DON'T WORRY ABOUT YOUR HEALTH - booze it up. Drug it up. Live it up. Smoke them if you've got them. Stuff
yourself with lots of fatty foods and don't exercise.
The Truth: You are what you eat. You are what you think. Moderation
in all things. However, quit breathing your own or anybody else's smoke.
It's a killer. Worse than being dead is having your voice box cut out or
having to roll an oxygen bottle around with tubes stuck in your nose. Yech!
Eat right and exercise more. Make it fun. Take walks with family or friends.
It's good to exercise physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Take control of your passions. More lives have been ruined by the abuse
of booze, drugs, smoking, sex and overeating. What's your self-image look
like? Make it positive and good. Create your own healthy lifestyle. Fad
and crash diets don't work. Take your vitamins and your bran. Drink lots
of water.
12. GO FOR ALL THE "GET RICH QUICK SCHEMES" - join the "money chain letters" and the obvious scams
like "Make a Million Dollars a Month for Doing Nothing". Join
every Pyramid Scheme that you can. Someone said that Pyramid and Ponzi
type schemes are "Money Grubbers Madness". Another said they
should be called "FAF" Programs, meaning "Find Another
Fool". And, do fall for all the telemarketing scams. There's a
sucker born every minute.
The Truth: Mahatma Gandhi's #1 item on his list of "Seven Deadly
Sins" is Wealth Without Work. For every person making money in those
schemes, there's a whole bunch of folks losing money. Don't be the loser.
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. Never risk
money you can't afford to lose. Don't Mess around trying to do or sell
something you're ashamed of. No one ever became a success doing or selling
something s/he's not proud of. In other words, do or sell something you
love. The money will come. You can have anything you want, if you want
it desperately enough. You must want it with an inner passion and desire
that erupts into action and joins the same energy used to create the universe.
Take what you need and can use in life. Let the rest go by. Money is not
a problem unless you believe it will solve your problems. If your faith
is in money and not in your religion, family and friends...then you'll
never have enough money. Don't be greedy.
No one is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.
(Sunan in Islam)
13. DON'T LET ANYONE GET TOO FRIENDLY - be a tough guy/gal. Never show any emotion. Never apologize. Don't let
anyone get ahead of you.
The Truth: We're all together in this thing called life. We're
all children of the same God. I would always leave my passengers with these
sincere words..."Take good care of yourselves. Drive safe. And, kinda be
nice to one another". Good words, don't you think?
A kind, motivating, inspirational or encouraging word is like a shower...we
need at least one every day. Here's a prayer for peace in your life...when
things get rough. "Your peace dear God, which exceeds all understanding,
keeps my heart, my soul and my mind in the knowledge and presence of your
love. I feel your blessings and your spirit within me". Relax and enjoy.
Be a good friend and you'll have many friends.
Sometimes it's difficult to love...but love is the only answer. Say
it often.
14. DON'T PRIORITIZE - fill your day doing "piddly little make work things". Stay busy doing nothing.
There's not enough time to do everything, so do as little as you can.
The Truth: Check your goals. Set and schedule priorities. Do
#1 first. Delegate lesser tasks. Go for the big stuff. Do the things
you fear till you're comfortable doing them. Ask yourself...What's the
most productive and best use of my time right now? Got the answer? Then
do it my friend and do it now.
Master your life or it will master you.
15. BE A NEW HYPOCRITE-BE WORSE THAN YOU ARE - be a real pain in the neck to everyone around you, a rebel without a cause.
The Truth: It's easy to be bad. But what does it get you?...heartache
and sadness. It's not worth it. Life is a choice. Choose to be known for
who you really are, no more and no less. You were born an original and
you will die an original. Make your originality something your parents
would be proud of. Here's how God feels about you: You are loved. You are
accepted. You are forgiven. You are free. That's powerful stuff. You can
ignore all that. But, why make yourself and those around you miserable?
That's not the life you really want. Is it? Again, whatever you do in life,
do it in the name of goodness and be thankful for the opportunity to serve.
Live an honorable life.
Remember what Shakespeare said..."To thine own self be true".
You have the power to be successful and happy just by using your capabilities
to their greatest extent...and learning, doing, giving, loving and enjoying.
Don't fake it until you make it. Be the person you'd like to be. Change
for the better.
What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow man. (Judaism)
16. DON'T BOTHER TO USE CORRECT ENGLISH - forget about learning to read, write and speak English properly. (Or the language of the country where you live) Talk like a loser and a bum, just like all your buddies.
The Truth: Your education is continuous. Increase your knowledge
and vocabulary daily. Be self disciplined. Do the best you can. Do what
you have to do. Do what you set out to do. Make your education and your
self-improvement a life-long goal. It's fun and fascinating. And, you're
the one to reap the rewards of your efforts. Seek the truth. Don't believe
what others say. Form your own educated opinions, always based on the truth.
People categorize you. Just as you categorize others. If you speak well,
you act well. Use good action words, not necessarily big words. Understand
and be understood.
Let's get to the bottom line...learn and use English correctly.
And, never use profanity or any type of vulgar language.
Look, think, act and talk like a winner. What you conceive
and believe you can achieve.
You can do anything, be anything and go anywhere...if you dream big
and work hard. Yes, you can have anything you want in life. You just can't
have everything. Are you willing to work for it? Keep your words and your
life simple. Focus on your goals. And, use the right words to get you there.
17. DON'T DRESS PROPERLY - make your own fashion statement. So you look like a jerk. Who cares?
The Truth: Always dress your best for the occasion. Clothes can
make you feel like a miser or a millionaire. Nobody's ever been sorry for
buying the best that they could afford. Remember Liza Doolittle in "My
Fair Lady"? She was a poor, wretched street girl. But, when dressed up
(and coached on the proper use of English) she was able to captivate the
wealthiest people in England. Buy one good outfit rather than two cheap
ones. Whatever you wear, make sure it's clean. Remember the saying, "You
never get a second chance to make a first impression". And, keep your home
and your car neat and clean.
18. DON'T EVER FORGIVE OR FORGET A HURT - hate whoever said or did something wrong to you. Carry it around inside.
Let that hate build and build. Get mad and get even. (Over 95% of us are
guilty of this.)
The Truth: If someone offends you, tell them in a gentle manner
how you feel. Clear the air by stating your case honestly and courteously.
Never threaten. Ask questions like "why did you say or do that? Resolve
it amicably and soon.
Carrying hate inside you is like carrying acid in a bucket. It's going
to eat a big hole in you and the bucket. Remember the concept of "an eye
for and eye and a tooth for a tooth" produces a whole bunch of sightless
and toothless people. Hate and hurt are excess baggage that you don't need
in your life. Plus, you'll be miserable and unhappy. You don't want that.
Laugh a little. Start by laughing at yourself. Lighten up. People that
anger you actually dominate and control you. Don't give them that power
over you. Forgive and forget.
Someone jokingly once said, "Kill them with kindness".
Regard your neighbor's gain as yours and his loss as your own. (Taoism)
19. COUNT YOUR LOTTO WINNINGS - stay busy planning all the things you're going to do when you win the Lotto,
the Sweepstakes or some other gambling jackpot. Never enjoy the moment. Always live in the future or in the past.
The Truth: Many people are afraid of life. Courage is doing what
you're afraid to do. There's no courage unless you're scared. Success is
a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the moment. Don't let life pass you
by while waiting to hit the "Big Jackpot". Never be afraid of death. Be
afraid of a wasted life. This is no dress rehearsal. This is the real thing.
Make the best of it.
20. NEVER BE GRACIOUS OR GRATEFUL - never say please or thank you. Be the rugged individualist with bad manners.
Show everybody that you don't need them.
The Truth: Just like farmers, we get what we plant. Want kindness?
Give kindness. Want help? Give help. Want friends? Be a friend. Want happy?
Make happy. The head of a well known psychiatric hospital said..."There'd
be a lot less trouble in the world if everyone who was feeling sorry themselves
would go and help someone who was less fortunate". Make it a habit. Even
a kind word helps. There are folks that practice random acts of kindness.
Try it, you'll like it. It'll make you feel so good.
Go for the win-win situation. Work together. Be a team player. It's
not who's right...it's what's right. Constantly improve. Make it a little
bit better every day. Get your boss promoted and you'll be promoted. Believe
in yourself. Be a winner. Life's a game. Play fair. Play to win. Appreciate
and be grateful for all favors. Then, pass on the kindness to someone else.
21. DON'T SET A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR ANYONE - why should you be a role model for anyone? Let your family, friends, neighbors,
etc., take care of themselves. Let someone else do what's right.
The Truth: Be the best that you can be. Be proud of your life
and your accomplishments that don't depend on someone else's approval.
Watch out for the false pride of nature's fates like color, sex, and nationality.
Use your incredible potential for a good cause. When wrong, admit it. Say
"I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I'll try not to do it again".
The more you give, the more you live. Love the joy of giving while your living. That's a great example for everyone around you.
By the way, it's simple to raise children:
Give them all the love you can; hugs and kisses, not things and stuff.
Give them all the guidance you can...mostly by good example.
Take them to church. Pray together. Read to them.
Give them roots and give them wings.
Hold them very close and let them go.
Listening is loving. Touching is loving. Say "I love you"...a lot.
Hope and pray for the best.
See how simple it is? Simple, yes...but it isn't easy.
Do naught unto others which would cause pain if done unto you. (Brahmanism)
22. NEVER TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF - blame your actions and your life on somebody else, your parents, your spouse,
society, the weather or whatever.
The Truth: Be accountable in your life to yourself, your family,
and your business and especially to religion. Your self-improvement is
a continuous goal and challenge. Read one of the best monthly publications
ever printed..."The Readers Digest". It's one of the most entertaining,
enlightening and educational publications you'll ever read. And, It's great
for the children. I've been reading it for over 50 years. Contact them
at http://www.readersdigest.com/
Tell them Captain Kaine sent you. They'll take good care of you.
You control your own life. In your mind you create the weapons to destroy
yourself...or make the tools to build yourself a beautiful life of happiness,
peace and love. Make the right choice and you can be "riding high". Make
the wrong choice and you descend to the level of a beast. We're all somewhere
in between. Be the maker and master of your fate and your life. "Hot Flash"...You
only get one shot at life. It's the greatest gift, both a miracle and a
blessing. Why not make it the best life that you can, for you, your family
and your business? Good question? Give yourself a good answer.
You're individually responsible for your own life...your happiness and
your success. Just doing the best you can right now makes you ready for
the next golden moment. Keep an open mind and have the courage to always
do the right thing. Be responsible to never risk an unwanted pregnancy.
Never risk giving a fatal virus to yourself or to your partner. Use all
the protection you can. Even then, using a condom is like playing "Russian
Roulette". Abstinence is a much better option. To love is to respect. To
just touch is to love. And, don't use booze or drugs as an excuse for irresponsible
behavior. Fix the problem, not the blame. Accept people as they are and
life as it is. Judge not.
Here's a daily affirmation..."I am responsible for my feelings, my
attitude and my life". "I've got what it takes to be successful". Persistence
pays. Go for it!
23. BUILD YOURSELF UP BY PUTTING OTHERS DOWN - argue and pick fights. Show them you're right and they're wrong. If you
have a choice of being right or being happy, choose being right. And, don't
let them forget it. Spread all the gossip you can.
The Truth: Courtesy and kindness pay big dividends. Stop the
gossip. Remember how you felt when someone was "badmouthing" a friend?
That's how others feel when you say something bad about someone. Don't
call people bad names, especially children. If you want to stop someone
from arguing with you, just say, "Maybe you're right". It works every time.
If you must argue, agree to hold each other's hands when you do. It's simple,
but it works. Always choose happy. Just be yourself. Be courteous and kind.
That nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself. (Zoroastrianism, Dadistan-I-dinik 94:5)
24. DON'T WORRY ABOUT ETHICS OR MORALS - forget about honesty. Lie, cheat and steal. Everybody else does.
The Truth: Your integrity and maturity are reflections of your
self-image. Never violate your integrity. Choose to live an ethical and
moral life. You'll love it.
Listen to the voice inside. That's your soul and conscience. Pay close
attention. Whatever you do in life, do it with enthusiasm. It's the spirit
in you.
Remember that honesty is not the best policy...It's the only
policy. President Harry S. Truman said..."Work hard. Trust in God. Tell
the truth. Never fear".
The Rotarians have their "Four Way Test". Of all the things you say or do:
Is it true?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build good will and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
That's a pretty good test for your ethics and morals...don't you think?
Live your life to pass the final test with flying colors.
There you have "Two Dozen Dumb Things" and some guidelines to
avoid making the mistakes made by others. Learn from their mistakes.
I want you to know that all my best ideas were stolen by the ancients.
Actually, I learned them from Confucius, Jesus, Mohammed, Plato, Socrates
and many others
I wish I could meet you personally. Unfortunately that's not practical.
May I ask you a big favor? Please share the following with your family
and friends:
It's the gospel according to Kaine. (Webster's dictionary says gospel
means a truth or a guiding principle)
"To better the lives of others is your life's greatest reward."
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